
Here we grow!
As we draw nearer to the spring I am committed to taking you along for the ride as we journey forward into the future. I will film and blog every...
Here we grow!
As we draw nearer to the spring I am committed to taking you along for the ride as we journey forward into the future. I will film and blog every...

Hard Restart
Years ago at the old farm I conducted performance trials on every strain or phenotype of Stropharia aka Wine Cap, I could get my hands on. The trials measured yields, frequency...
Hard Restart
Years ago at the old farm I conducted performance trials on every strain or phenotype of Stropharia aka Wine Cap, I could get my hands on. The trials measured yields, frequency...

Seeing is believing, Richard P. Smith
I could talk about supporting literature until the cows come home and will continue to produce blogs around that subject. But today, we're gonna switch gears into the visual realm,...
Seeing is believing, Richard P. Smith
I could talk about supporting literature until the cows come home and will continue to produce blogs around that subject. But today, we're gonna switch gears into the visual realm,...

For reference, here's some other food stuffs poundage yields per acre: Corn yields average 172 bushels per acre, a bushel is 56 lbs. 172 multiplied by 56 lbs equals 9,632...
For reference, here's some other food stuffs poundage yields per acre: Corn yields average 172 bushels per acre, a bushel is 56 lbs. 172 multiplied by 56 lbs equals 9,632...

Scientific Papers series #5, The Effects of Pre...
Read that last sentence again... "The ability of common species of mushrooms to withstand shade and respond to fire will become increasingly important to wildlife managers in the forst environment...
Scientific Papers series #5, The Effects of Pre...
Read that last sentence again... "The ability of common species of mushrooms to withstand shade and respond to fire will become increasingly important to wildlife managers in the forst environment...

White-Tailed Deer in the Southern Forest Habita...
Here the link. get your read on gang, this is a big one and it's well worth the time.White-Tailed Deer in the Southern Forest Habitat, the Proceeding of a Symposium...
White-Tailed Deer in the Southern Forest Habita...
Here the link. get your read on gang, this is a big one and it's well worth the time.White-Tailed Deer in the Southern Forest Habitat, the Proceeding of a Symposium...